Girls could the bitches bitch that could be the end of you, but they're the safest zone to be yourself. Never the neutral, always the extreme. Will fight for you or ignore you like hell. The epitome of contradictions, the symbol of constant change. A 'yes' or 'no' doesn't necessarily means a yes and no. Will drive you crazy but will go crazy over love. Loves food and will always love sweets, for their size their appetite's a shock. Gossip is an art and never a crime. Crying will never be a sign of weakness, we shout and whine no matter where, no matter what, especially when we're right...and Girls are ALWAYS right no matter what the circumstances are. But knows how to say sorry and really MEAN it. They do hate period, period. We dress up and wear stilettos, just because we love ourself, being pretty is always for us and only ourselves. But compliments is what we'll always love. And sleepovers...? the classic..the one we'll never grow old of.

See...it's not that complicated at all.
Girls are the best.
It's fun. Definitely.
That's why we love each other..

hehe. pics @ my Multiply
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