Saturday, July 2, 2011

I don't have anything to be proud of except for the people who are in my life right now and all those who had been a part of it. It's kinda sad that most of the time I feel like I lack so much in my life but whenever this day of the year comes the whole universe reminds me of how much blessings I have in my life, how much love overflows around me. I may not be the most important person in someone else's life, but I feel that more people treasure me than what I have hoped for. My life is not grand. But I always find the smallest things to be thankful for, without even forcing myself to. I sometimes am surprised by how positive my outlook in life is. These things just make me realize that I am not so bad after all. Probably, I have been raised just right. :) And seeing how loved I am... I must have done something good to each and every people in my life. :)

Thank you my Lord for another year;) And for giving me this life. :)

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