Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sometimes I want to runaway from all these. Just stop having myself to work so hard and live up to everyone's expectations. Sometimes I Just WANT to runaway and never look back. Sometimes I just want to runaway. But I don't have the courage to let these people down, I've too much love for them. I'm too much of a coward to fail. Or maybe there's just no one to runaway with, no other home to go to. I look behind me and realized I've gone too far... far alone. I've let too much chances pass me by, I've let too much real things pass me by..that I don't think I'd ever wanna go that trouble again. I'm alone. And no one's really there to save me anymore. I've become too strong , too indifferent, too numb...beacuse I needed to... for everyone who expects me to make it. But at the end of the day no one can remain strong enough... especially when they got no one to tell them it's gonna be okay eventually. Today I ain't strong enough to be anyone's hero. Today, I want to tell everyone I'M DONE.

But hopefully tomorrow...This feeling will change. As it always have been.

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